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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Nike Ignite 1 gloves

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Sorta wide and blocky if I remember right.

I got a pair of the Ignite 2's and I agree with the above. I felt like they restricted my wrist movement somewhat so I just use 'em in practice now.

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Thanks for the advice. I'm sticking with the Bauers.

I also prefer a narrow glove so the Ignites don't sound like they would work.

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ive got the newest JOFAs, just can recommend them [cause you like narrow gloves].

but i guess in europe more people use jofa than in the us/can

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I just bought the Bauer 5000 pro-returns. My teammate has a pair and he loves them. Good deal on East-West Hockey. I wanted a pair when I bought my Vapors but they didn't offer them in a 13" at that time. (ive got short stumpy hands)

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