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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Nike V-Force vs V-12

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My LHS has the V-Force Pro STK, but not V-12s. I was wondering if they are basically the same stuff, or if the V-12s are higher end (the V-12s are all more expensive...)

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The V-Force Pro-STK is more similar to the V-10. The main differences are the Pro-STK has a felt tongue and gripfit liner.

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Depends what piece of equipment you are talking about...skates, shoulder,elbows, shins....

The THG Pro STK/VForce is like a "V-11" it's between the V12 and V10 as far as the protective line goes. So I guess you could say the V12 is higher end...though there aren't too many differences.

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