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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Cutting Nike V-Force Pro STK Elbows

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I heard there was some cool way Jay came up with the cut the arm bands on the V-Force elbows to make them more mobile. Could anyone explain it to me?

I could do it myself, but I figure I should ask opinions from the master so I don't screw it up :)

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Might as well post it for everyone...

Essentially the trick is to unstitch the bicep protector from the neoprene strap and then re-attatch it only so it meets at the top of the strap allowing the bicep pad to overlap the elbow when you bend your arms up. In "default" mode the bicep pad kinda binds up when you bend the elbow. It's essentially making it more like the V-12. Also, I use dental floss becuase it's good and strong. Keep in mind this will void your warranty so mod at your own risk. Here are the pics...



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Just tried out the elbows in a pickup game, and I must say I've very pleased :)

Unlike my old Bauer 5000s, didn't slip at all and I could hardly tell they were on their once I got in the flow of the game.

I did do some modification on my armstraps; I went a little more ghetto and like I said I just cut parts of it off ( most of the part with the Nike swoosh on it, as well as a small chunk of the part that overlaps the neoprene strap.)

It worked well for me, slightly less protection but like I said I didn't even notice it on there during the game which is probably the best you can say for elbow pads.

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