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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shortening the bench?

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Interesting points both for and against. Might a coach need to strike a balance? I both played football and Wrestled in Hight school. For wrestling you had a match every week to see if you played varsity, JV or rode the bench. Some kids rode the bench all year long. Football, I was not the best safety. I'd say I played only in 25% of the games. It made me play harder when I did. I don't think kids have the maturity to understand that untill thier teens.

What's wrong with a close game shortening up the bench at the end but when its not so close balancing it off by playing the lesser players more? Whats even worse is when you have the kid who does not show up for practice or comes and then does not either pay attention or try to learn come to the games and want equal ice time.

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