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Mission's hurting my feet

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Hello, Let me apologize in advance for the long post. Also, I searched numerous posts for this information but couldn't find it.

The reason for these questions are because I can't find any local or nearby shop that carries any decent skates, so I will probably have to order them.

I currently have a pair of 2004 size 10 EE mission D3 skates that need replacing. I either need a different size or different brand due to sizing difficulties. I tried a 10 D but it felt too narrow that's why I got the EE. The length appears to be normal as I can just barely get a finger behind my heel when my foot is pushed forward. My problem is that the sides of my feet ache for about ten minutes when I lace up and then they alternate going numb and then hurting intensely. I've tried loosening the laces but then I have no support. I've skated this way for a long time thinking that they would break in but nothing has changed.

My foot is normal to slightly wide at the forefoot area and my heel is narrow. I remember someone else posting about this foot type but I can't find that post.

My athletic shoes are 10.5 D normally with my last pair of New Balance being 10.5 E. I measured out with a normal width though.

My ice skates are Bauer Supreme 2000 in 9.5 D and I have no problems with them other than that they are probably a little too long. I can get more than a finger behind the heel.

I have a normal sized arch I believe. I'm not sure how to check though.

Any suggestions or information is welcome. As you can tell I am a new player and I really don't have any brand preference.

Also, if someone can recommend a good shop near Louisville, Cincinnati, or Indianapolis I can get to these area fairly easy.


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The Pro Shop at Sports Plus in Cincinnati has a decent supply of inline skates now. That is the best pro shop around that I is anywhere near me. They don't have any 2005 inline skates in yet but they do have a decent stock of last year's Tour's, Nikes, Missions, and a few of the CCM Externo's I believe. You can get directions at www.sportsplusohio.com.

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I had exactly the same problems with my feet and mission iceskates, i took bauers instead of missions, now im fine !

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Nike Silver HiHo are abs fab

Very comfortable from the box

And you can thermoform them (didnt need it though)

And I have delicate feet (I changed 4 times my ski shoes...)

Yeah call me a sissi ;)

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Well, I went to Sports Plus today. It was a very nice place and the pro shop had a lot of items, however, no skates in my size.

The closest match was a pair of size 10 Nike Quest. They seemed to be about a half or whole size too large. The box stated that they would fit a US size 10.5 though.

I guess I'll have to go through the process of ordering/sending back/re-ordering until I find something.


Added on edit: I just checked some mail order sites and found two skates in my price range (cheap, since I play outdoors).

One is a 9 R Bauer and the other is a PF2 CCM size 9.

Does anyone know what the R means. I couldn't find it listed in any width chart.

Also, how does the fit of the CCM compare to the Bauer. I thought I read that the Bauer inlines don't fit like the Supreme boot.

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btw, your skates are too big for you if you can fit your entire finger in your boot...

Any idea why they are hurting my feet Justin? I would think that going down in size would make the problem worse.

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