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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Weighet pucks

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I used regular pucks in the basement, because of the friction that the concrete produces with the puck it would already add extra weight.

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They absolutely work, it is all about muscle memory and it will help give you a harder shot. You will have to adjust when switching back as you may find your shots are a little high with a game weight puck.

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They absolutely work, it is all about muscle memory and it will help give you a harder shot. You will have to adjust when switching back as you may find your shots are a little high with a game weight puck.

Hahaha, maybe this why Kovalev always shoot high, I heard he was shooting tons of heavypuck on summer time.

I think shooting heavy puck is great.

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