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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Need Information on some found gear.

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A friend of mine is ditching hockey for a while, and so he let me have is current set of gear was very nice of him, but I wanted to get some more information on it just to know what I've got on my hands. He got some of it second hand so I had was curious about two peices in particular:

1. Louisville TPS Gold pants- Red color in Ranger's trim, coolmax liner, he says they are pretty top end and look and feel every bit of it. A few years old, but he used them only a few times. I know this isn't much to go on but I don't know a lot about TPS pants. My question is how are these in relation to others like durability, protection, overall impression, and so on.

2. CCM Supra 520 shinguards - These things are monsters! Thick shells, dual knee guards (both side of your knee), coolmax liner, HST (whatever that means), just beasts! First how does the "Supra" line fit in the hierachy of CCM (and why don't you seem them too often), and again durability, protection, and overall impression.

Thanks for the help. I'm interested in putting these to use, especially the pants. I just want to know what I have.

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