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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Z-Carbon woodies

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I was at my LHS today and I noticed that the clearance Z-carbons they have look different than the ones shown on the Easton website. they have Wood/carbon writen on the back of the blade. Did Easton change the construction of the Z-carbon blade?

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Not sure if Easton changed the construction but they sure changed the designs of the stick near the blade. It has like this blue line wrapped around it (on the INT. Version). Anyways to cforce, I'm not sure what the average price is on those but at my LHS the regular price of a Z-Carbon is usually around $34.99-$39.99cdn. However, I got mine on sale last year for $23.99cdn. As for durability, most people on this board that have used a Z-Carbon have complained about the durability of the stick but myself and a few others found this stick to be sturdy compared to regular wood sticks. The blade doesn't split easily like a wood blade. The only problem I have with my stick is that you can see cracks where the wooden shaft portion of the stick joins with the blade.

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The blade doesn't split easily like a wood blade. The only problem I have with my stick is that you can see cracks where the wooden shaft portion of the stick joins with the blade.

The new versions of the stick have a wrap around the shaft/blade joint making the stick more durable. The older versions don't have the wrap. The older versions are probably on clearance. There is an obvious and pronouned difference in the cosmetic look between the two. The older, non-wrap version of the stick regularily split at the joint fusion. The newer versions are much more durable. I've used both and I think they are great wood sticks. Fairly light, with the feel and handling of wood, with a more durable quasi-composite blade. For comparative purposes if you use a Sherwood 5030 and regularily break the blades before you break the shafts then this is a stick you should seriously consider. If you break many 5030 shafts then this stick won't solve many problems.

I think the blade construction between the 2003 and 2004 versions are the same, but the difference is the "wrap lock." The wrap lock is the sock over the blade/shaft joint. Others may correct me if I'm wrong, but I think it is a great stick for the money and a quality, value purchase. FYI, the Z-carbons also share the similarity of regular composite blades in that you can't/shouldn't heat them to change the curve. At my LHS they are 27.00 US and never go on clearance.

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