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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Roller Hockey Camp...

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I'm looking for a good roller hockey camp for adult (20-45).

It can be in the US, or CANADA, or UK, or anywhere in Europe.

The level should be quite good : let say I'm an average D wanting to raise my skills quicky.

And the instructors should REALLY know roller hockey !!!

Can you help me with this ?

Just throw any URL you think off.


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Peter Dale is setting up a pure roller hockey camp out in Minnesota I beleive at a new facility..it is supposed to open later this coming summer...he does do a travelling road show clinic though..not sure how much adult stuff.



414 899 5960

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Thanks for the reply MDE3.

Do you perhaps know if CJ Yoder still does some clinics?

I know he planned to do some in Europe.. I think it was in England...

Travelling to the US or to Canada would be nice but quite expensive for us little belgian guys. ;)

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He did some last summer in Sheffield UK during the MLRH demonstration series, but CJ has just left the Marple Rink in Philadelphia about a month ago, and taken a job running a Rink out in Colorado....I am sorry I do not know of any plans he may have or be involved with for Europe.

Perhaps email MLRH and see if they have something scheduled...www.mlrh.com is the website, and you can find their email addy within. Address it to Bill Raue.

Good Luck

Mike Egan

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