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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Micro Wheels & Bearings on 2005 Missions

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I have a set of Labeda Gripper Lite Micro Wheels with BSB Micro Bearings that I wanted to transfer to my new Mission 750's. When I tighten the axels all the way, the wheels do not spin. I have tried the wheels in a few other pairs of skates (CCM Externo Outcasts, Tour 982's, and Tour 962's), and they all worked with no problems. Is there a reason why micro wheels and bearings are unable to spin in the new Mission line? Has anyone else experienced this problem?

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I've noticed opposite effects with Mission skates. The VSi skates (which came with Mini-bearings) not click because there's too much space now with standard bearings. They probably made the 750's to standard size.

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The only reason I could see if they worked ok in the other skates without any changes, would be that the boss on the insides of the chassis is larger on the 750's, and when tightened, is actually engaging the outer race of the mini bearings instead of just the inner race. If you swapped them from skate to skate, without changing anything, and they worked on other skates, that would be the only reason I could see.

Easy...did you change the inner spacers when you changed the bearings?...It's been a while since I played with "mini's", but I believe from recollection that they use a shorter spacer, because the mini's are a little wider bearing than the 608's. If you do not change the inner spacer when you change the bearings, as well as the hub spacer(if using a conversion kit), they will not work properly.

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I haven't changed them. I just have them right now for street hockey/ transportation so I'm not too worried, but thanks. I'll look into that if I get mini's again.

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