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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shops in Kelowna

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I'm going to Kelowna for the weekend tomorrow, I have a house in Vernon which is about 20-30 minutes away from downtown. I am hoping/wondering if any of you guys who live near that area or anyone who knows of a store that carries any Inno products? Thanks a lot guys.

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Sun Valley: Source For Sports, in Vernon may have Inno. Off the top of my head, I can't remember any in Kelowna though. The mall ( Orchard Park ) is quite good though.

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I only saw 1 Sports store in Kelowna and it wasn't much. It's a big Skiing community, your not likely to find muh hockey stuff now. OP was a nice mall. Hit Big white if you can.

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Im from a small town just outside Kelowna so hopefully i can be of assistence. First off Chevy's Source For Sports in Kelowna is one of the best hockey supply stores in Canada and they work with supplying the Rockets a lot. Kelowna is a very large hockey community so the demand is really high for top end gear. Nevertheless I'm yet to ever see any sort of Innovative sticks in Chevy's or any of the other smaller stores in the area...as well as Sun Valley SFS in Vernon so you may be out of luck. Hopefully this helps.

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Thanks guys. My family is good friends with Chevy, he is from Sherwood Park where I live and his store is as good IMO as United Cycle. I can't go skiing unfortunately because of an injury..but the mall is very nice there.

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