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Stick $ In Europe

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Im going to Europe with my school to Vienna, Paris, Italy and Im curious what the price are in europe for the Stealth, Stealth grip, SL, SL grip? Or is there a european hockey site?


p.s i did run a search and didnt find what i was looking for

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You don't want to buy hockey equipment in Europe. Their stuff is twice as expensive as stuff in NA.

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Im going to Europe with my school to Vienna, Paris, Italy and Im curious what the price are in europe for the Stealth, Stealth grip, SL, SL grip? Or is there a european hockey site?


p.s i did run a search and didnt find what i was looking for

i wonder if jofa is cheaper there?... probably not.

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It really depends. In Italy, France and Austria you will have trouble even finding a store that carries high end equipment at least in the touristic cities. I was once lucky in Innsbruck (about 2 hours from Vienna I think) they had a nice little store carrying some interesting pro stock stuff at good prices....that was 5 years ago, though. You might have luck in the northern part of Italy as well...Bolzano, Asiago...around that area hockey is pretty big. At the time I was in Paris they did not have a competitive hockey team so not really found anything hockey related at all except NHL99 for PC if you miss it in your collection :angry:

As for the german market.....it really depends...on the store and on the Manufacturer as well. Easton stuff is way overpriced but you can get good deals on CCM and Jofa as they produce in Europe as well (Finland I think) and TPS stuff is generally "cheap" as they have a good local distributor that often sells stuff cheap which was ordered incorrectly by the pro teams.

Some bad examples: (prices in EURO = 1.3 $)

Stealth: got mine for 280 Euros thats almost 400$ Some places sell them for 369 Euros even...thats around 500$ then?! I was told Stealth Grip will have the same price but they will only be available here around July.

SL + ST no prices, yet

Synergy is from 170 Euros (on sale) up to 260 Euros add 20 Euro for the Grip

Si-Core is around 260 to 280 Euros plus another 20 for the Grip one....

Easton is very tuff as you see....prices vary very much from store to store.....differencies of up to 100 Euros = 130$ for a Synergy.

Now to the good part:

CCM Vector V120 is only 149 Euros and they have a bunch of nice curves over here. I think you can choose out of 9 different patterns

TPS R2 XN10 shafts are 129 Euros ~ 100$

TPS R2 is 119 Euros

Jofa is actually very cheap on the TPM 4020...that´s the red one...not sure if it´s available over at your place at all? They sell for as cheap as 19 Euros and it´s the best stick you will ever find for roller hockey in my opinion. I never really cared about their other sticks but I have seen none beeing more than 40 Euros.....they were called 9050 or 8050 or something? Also I have seen about 10 to 15 different curves over here on the Jofa stuff which is nice.

As well as that you get pretty good deals on basically all Busch/Graf OPS but there are few stores having them unfortunately.

That´s speaking about sticks only....please don´t ask about skate prices.....it would knock you out!

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Try to avoid Italy...

An example? (refferred to a Bolzano store)

Stick: CCM Vector 120 GRIP 330 Euro, i think 400 $

Skates: CCM Vector Pro 700 Euro, about 850 $ :ph34r:


Just found Synergy skates: 750 Euro, it means nearly 900$...

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Damn, that sounds sick!

Skates are a bit cheaper in Germany but just a tad bit I mean. BTW how is A&O doing this year? I heard they have Quintal and Fata?

XN 10 is available @ www.tpshockey.de it´s not on their page but you can mail them about it. I ordered the last regular ones they had in stock. As far as I know they have only one R2 in Whip-Flex a.t.m.

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As Far as I know A&O are 1-1 in semifinals, but i don't follow to much of the italian hl

For leafsrule1: if you are looking for Easton sticks and you want to buy them for a mad price try go to www.bignami.it (easton si core 319 Euro :( )

Anyway it's near Bolzano and it's far away from any touristic city (as example Venice).

The only turistic city with a hockey store is Milan but i think you will find that price there are even more high...

Just enjoy Europe and Italy!

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Posted this info about some prices in Sweden in another thread just the other day but here goes again. A regular Synergy was around $315 when the season started (probably cheaper now), Vapor XX $250 and Vector V110 $290. A Stealth is $435. The top wood stick models range between $70-$85 (all prices in US dollars).

Sweden has among the most expensive stuff in Europe, not just hockey gear but overall, and the sales tax is 25%. So most stuff is probably more expensive here than in other European countries. It's bizarre how even Swedish manufactured cars like Volvo are cheaper in other countries and you can save alot of money by re-importing it. :lol:

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