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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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legend blades

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i just got some blades made by koho unfortunately they didnt do a very good job...it took about a month to get and i cant get sticks in the same curve i am using now very easily, i know it wouldnt be instantaneous but the legends might come quicker than wiating for another batch of koho...ive had legend befroe they were pretty good but the service was sometimes less than desirable and they got the order wrong the last time i ordered from them...does anyone still get these? how are they these days? would i be better off with christian someone said they changed theyre line somewaht, did they change the wood blades at all (maybe get rid of that awful glass sock)? basically im looking for (just like everyone) a blade with good feel that is very stiff and is also very light. is legend going to fit this, should i stick with koho, or is there another company i should try (sher wood...etc?)?

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Chadd just had some Christians made up, you might want to see what he says about them. There has been talk about how Legend aren't the same quality that they used to be.

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speaking of cristian blades, does anyone know where i could find a christian puckmaster righthander in a heel curve ?

i cant find any online and my LHS only has lefties :(

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