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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I just picked up an SL and that's my main stick now. I like it better than my stealths easily. Great balence and like said above by many, it shoots rockets.

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I'm interested in the SL grip but was wondering if the grip peels off like it did on their old synergy grip. From what ive heard from everyone on this site the SL sounds like a great stick.

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I'm interested in the SL grip but was wondering if the grip peels off like it did on their old synergy grip. From what ive heard from everyone on this site the SL sounds like a great stick.

I had a Forsberg SL Grip (sold it on Ebay) and the Grip made the TPS Rubber feel slick. My SL Grip was a warranty replacement perhaos that is why the Grip was messed up, but my God ... I swear if I opened my gloved hand the stick would still stick to it . I compared the SL Grip side by side barehanded and with gloves on to my Synthesis yellow grip and my Stealth Grip (I bought another Stealth, because as much as I hate the handle shape I can't help but own such a damn light stick, and I still use it for pick-up games hoping I will get used to it) and the Stealth grip is a lighter grip than the yellow grip, but my SL Grip was just amazingly grippy.

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I'm interested in the SL grip but was wondering if the grip peels off like it did on their old synergy grip. From what ive heard from everyone on this site the SL sounds like a great stick.

Oh shoot, but to answer your question, I had mine too short a time to know if it would peel. Give any grip shaft/stick 4+ months of consistent use and it will eventually begin to peel.

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