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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Looking for Mens league in the GTA

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Hey, Mississauga represent!!!

Almost EVERY rink in the GTA has a men's league, from Rec to A divisions.

ASHL, they run out of Ice Sports (Oakville, Etobicoke, Markham, etc.) I'm not so sure about individual registration, but if you got some buddies who want to play, put a team together.

Iceland has a men's league too. Give them a call.

Brampton has one too where the Batallion play, try giving them a call.

Right now I'm playing with my buddies out of Oakville Ice Sports (ASHL).



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I was looking to go into the ASHL when they were going to start up in Hamilton, it seemed like a good place. You can register as a single.

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No prob man.

Leagues are great around here. Very organized, very professional.

One other thing.

If you want some good shinny action, Iceland has their Super Shinny Friday afternoons from 12 pm to 3 pm. Great pace, always 2 goalies, always 2 lines, and it only costs 7 bucks. What a bargain for some great hockey.


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Ya I have been to shinny at Iceland once before and I liked It. I usually play shinny at meadovale because its close to my house, but usually there aro no goalies and not that many players. I think I am going to start going to Iceland instead of meadowvale, its probably more competitive their anyway.

Hey do you know of any good summer leagues? I know of the one at Iceland, does the ASHL have a summer leauge?

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Yes, ASHL does have a summer league.

Oakville & Etobicoke, which would be the closest, do run summer leagues.

Give them a call, check it out.......

And agreed, City Of Mississauga's Men's League out of Iceland is terrible. My bro played there 2 years ago, I joined them for a couple of games. Horrible, just horrible.


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Probably the two biggest Mississauga/Brampton based men's leagues are the ASHL (out of the Ford Drive Icesports) and True North Hockey(out of the Brampton CSE).

They both run summer leagues with differing levels of play. I play in both, I find the Oakville one a bit chippier, but also a bit faster at each comparative level (or I'm a bit slower than the average ASHL-er vs. a TNH-er)...

Either way, you can't go wrong with either one. Both decently run (they each have their pros and cons), a touch chippy at times (moreso in Oakville, but that's just my observation), but what men's league isn't?

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yeah, i agree.. the league at iceland is terrible.

they care more about being on time, than for you to enjoy the game.

its all about the schedule and money.

ASHL is way better. although the ref'ing at oakville sucks and is really inconsistent.

but its tought to find teams as an individual.

i've been looking for the last 2 years to find another team to play on, and have been unsuccessful

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i am all signed up now

you pretty much have to go in person,

since the guy there never ever replies to email...

it was worth the trip, and for those have been, know what i mean.

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