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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vapor X shaft

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Since this shaft is the same as a TFG shaft, I thought I would give it a try. Does the wheelbarrow handle on it prevent you from being able to put in a regular plug?

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Why not just get a TFG? They're going for cheap right now. As for your question, yes, I think. I couldn't get a plug into my TFG without rounding the tenon of it and shaving some off after that, and I'd assume it would be the same for a Vapor X. After you do that though you'll have to shave the rest of the plug on the outside so it doesn't jut out around the edge of the shaft. Lots of work to do if you want a plug in there that feels normal.

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Well I'm not really a OPS guy (I actually can't find the Sr. OPS anywhere anyways) and I have searched absolutely everywhere for a TFG shaft and cannot find one.

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You'll have to do alot of sanding. How much are these going around in Canadian stores? I really want a standard shaft, and i liked my tfg ops before it broke at the blade.

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Also, everyone keeps saying that tapered shafts feel flexier than standard shafts since they are longer. An XV shaft compared to an X shaft is only 1" longer so that wouldn't really make it flexier at all would it?

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The XV is 1" longer to compensate for the length lose with a tapered blade, you'll find this with every tapered blade. Also they seem more flexy because the kickpoint is lower.

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thats not what they mean tapered shaft with short hosel blade is same length as a standard shaft with a standard blade. The taper just makes it feel more but not nessisary (sorry about spelling) more whipper.

Also they seem more flexy because the kickpoint is lower.

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