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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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gloves, shinnys, shafts n blades

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alrite i need new gloves n im looking at easton airs.... does anyone have a glove they swear by or are the easton airs pretty good?

second i also need new shinnys im looking at nike v12s or the jofa 9040s i think they are called... does anyone hav a shinny they swear by or which of the 2 mentioned is better?

thirdly i am looking at either buying a composite 1-peice or a shaft+blade combo... the shafts i am looking at are tps rubber whip on epuck going for 49.95..v100 similar price.. these would go with either a ccm v60/100/110/120, joffa 8055, bauer VII/V. anyone know of a durable shaft around the same price or a good shaft blade combo. Also i am looking at v100, vapor V, vapor VII all in 1 peice. anyone hav ther opinion on what would be best for me? i am going to buy around 2-3 sticks all up. Also i break sticks often so umm yer im trying to cut down on that.

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What conditions do you play in? I'd say everything is good thus far, for shins and gloves, you're good with either of the shin choices. For sticks, I'd determine whether you want a shaft/blade combo or OPS. From there whether you want grip or not and what are you looking for?

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i play on sport court and painted concrete. ive never used a 1-peice composite but am willing to use one. i would prefer grip because it adds durability but its something i can do without. i am looking for a stick that will last me a while but does have performance at the same time. i am currently using a nike team usa quest 3 300 flex with a bauer vapor V blade. i play well with this stick but the shaft isnt very durable. when it comes to sticks i am good at trying out different styles as it doesnt take me long to get used to them. i ould say i am hard on my sticks so yer whatever u have in mind let me know. Also i play both forward and D. about 5"8 n way 67kilos so around 150pounds i think if this helps

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Alright first off, Grip does not add durability. If your having problems with breakage I would suggest the V100 (V110 if possible) shaft and then go with the blade of your choice. If painted concrete is your surface, stick to ABS, go with one of the Vector blades or Koho ABS blades. If your unsure about ABs its pretty well every CCM blade and its similar to fibreglass.

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alrite thanx for your help... im going to probably get the easton air but unsure... jofa 9040's, n after what you said most likely v100 with v100 blade but unsure bout that choice.. anyone else with a different opinion please let me know as i am going to buy this stuff in a couple days. The hardest part is i can only buy of the net cause i live in australia n they stuff over here is like 4-5 times as much in cost.

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I use an Easton GripLite shaft with a CCM V60 blade for games on smooth concrete. The V60 blade has held up perfectly, and the shaft is very responsive with decent feel.

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for playing on concrete - i think any expensive stick is pointless - and unnecessary to roller in general. i would recommend the earlier posters ideas on abs blades. i also agre the ccm v60 is a quality blade for that surface. i think mid and toe cruves are great for roller - maybe the thornton or recchi pattern. ops's dont really have great feel with a light plastic puck, and the shots can be really erratic - its not worth the money and you're pretty sure to get a better performance out of a cheaper stick. i believe ccm makes a wood stick with the v60 blade on it that might just be the thing - maybe thats what the previous poster was referring to.

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yea, i meant that you shouldnt spend over 100 dollars or even over 80 on a stick thats going to have the blade shaved down in a month. but you can get good sticks that arent that expensive, you just have to look around on sites, or at a local hockey shop

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