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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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A message I had at CB.

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Hey, well a guy over on CB was really interested in my xn10. Last night before I went to bed I checked and he said he would buy it. I had to get off of the computer right away, and didn't have time to send him back my name and address and stuff. So I don't know what to do. Is there anyway I can go back to the message, so I can send him a message?

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You'll probobly have to keep a lookout on here for him to register again, or hope he registers under a different name and see's your message. I wish 17 had left the forum open but just locked it all or something.

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who was the person? I know some kid who was asking me about buying your XN10, it might be the same person. If you dont want to say his name, you can pm me

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You'll probobly have to keep a lookout on here for him to register again, or hope he registers under a different name and see's your message. I wish 17 had left the forum open but just locked it all or something.

yea, only problem is I don't remember his screen name, haha. Hopefully he sees this message and contacts me.

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who was the person? I know some kid who was asking me about buying your XN10, it might be the same person. If you dont want to say his name, you can pm me

I dont' remember the name could you please tell me? Thanks.

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