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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sports plus

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Im going to be in NY in a few days and hopefully going to get some new gear.

Ive heard of Sports plus,is it any good for gear??

If not is there anywhere else that has a good range, preferably in or near Manhattan

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Yea sports plus in Cincy is my home rink. The place is great and was the site of NARCh last year. It has a huge pro shop, although like wingsfan said, it is way overpriced, it also has 2 ice rinks, a roller rink, a rock wall, like 10 basketball courts, lazer tag, arcade, etc. But yea you can generally get something online for ~$20 cheaper than in the sports plus proshop. The only exception was a pair of Easton ultralite shinguards that i got their that were actually cheaper than every place online. Other than that though prices suck, although the staff is very helpful.

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There's wonderland in manhattan which is in Chelsea Piers. Also, there's Cosby's, but they're awful. Sports plus is ok....

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Well whatever shop i go to i reckon ill be impressed as i am from England and there is hardly anything over here and prices are AWFUL!!! normal silver synergys are about £160-180 and sometimes higher ive seen them sold for over 200 before

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