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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I'm looking for a new pair of skate and my two choices are the mission He550 or the Vector pf6. I heard good things about the he550 and I would like to know your opinions on the pf6..cons/pros, etc.


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I've skated the 750's, and currently have pf4's and pf10's. The CCM's are a much more solid feel through the boot. The missions while comfy, are much too soft for a bigger, harder skater. I'm 5'9, 220 so I need a boot that is fairly solid. The ccm's are also pretty comfy this year, much more so than the externo line from last year.

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Which is a better roller hockey skate the CCM Vector PF6 Senior Inline Hockey Skates 2005 or the Tour Red Max Senior Inline Hockey Skates 2004? Just wondering... Thanks. ;)

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The difference is really a personal preference. I personally didn't like the feel of the tour frame, but I know a ton of people that do. Comfort-wise, I'd say they're about equal, as both will fit wide footed people like myself just fine.

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I tried the Pf6 today and I have narrow feet and they felt great in my feet. I had problem with the tack boot but with this one, they are very comfortable for me. I found them more comfy than the He550.

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That's funny I have a friend that has narrow feet and he says the CCMs fit him well.. and I have really wide feet and the CCMs fit me really well.. CCM must have a great formula

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