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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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i have a stick coming to my by them and i entered the number i got and it bring up the package but doesnt saw when its going to get to me..did i miss something or do they not tell you anything? :unsure:

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i had elbows and skates coming tome by canadapost, it took me a day before I could enter in the number and track the packages. When you do get onto the tracking page there should be a little line that tells you

something like

date shippped by: 00-00-00 <-- date its supposed to get to you by

it's just above your shipping status

oh yeah i used XpressPost, i don't know if it's different for any other type.

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i have a stick coming to my by them and i entered the number i got and it bring up the package but doesnt saw when its going to get to me..did i miss something or do they not tell you anything? :unsure:

It won't say the day it's set to arrive, but will tell you it's been sent. They don't update it on Holidays or weekends (usually don't at least), so it may not be up till Monday.

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i have a stick coming to my by them and i entered the number i got and it bring up the package but doesnt saw when its going to get to me..did i miss something or do they not tell you anything? :unsure:

It won't say the day it's set to arrive, but will tell you it's been sent. They don't update it on Holidays or weekends (usually don't at least), so it may not be up till Monday.

are you sure? because when I tracked my order it said 03-18-05 and it came by that day even though they didn't really update the package locations that often. I dunno it might have been a coincidence?

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The only thing it will show if when you shipped the package...unless you get a very expensive way of shipping then thats the only info you will have as far as tracking goes....

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each time it arrives at a canada post location they scan it. then when you go to check it, it just shows you where the package is/was. so say you ordered something from toronto and your in calgary. the first thing you would see is a canada post location in toronto, and then another one in like regina, and when it arrives to calgary it would say give you a location, and out for delivery. so if you arent home when they drop it off, you'll get a slip in your mailbox, and a location where to pick it up.

they arent like ups, they only try to deliver once, if your not there, you have 2 weeks to pick it up before they send it back.

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