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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Labeda Punks

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ok, someone please help me!

i just got new chassis, labeda punks. The wheel set up is supposed to be(front to back) 72, 68, 76, 76. When i put in the 68mm, the wheel was touching the other ones. Then i tried to put in a 64mm wheel, but the wheel was to small and didn't touch the ground. has this happened to anyone else before?


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What type of wheels are you using? There could be a little flashing on the center line of the wheel causing the wheels to touch. A few times around the rink should take care of that. If it is more than that the only other scenario would be the type of wheel you are using could be mis-sized. The Punks were designed around Labeda wheel specs, at times, the many companies add or subtract fractions to their wheel sizes which if they are over could create a bind.

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sorry guys im in california for spring break

i have rink rats, team labeda are you saying the wheel size on labeda and rink rat could be a little different?

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