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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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My AHL vacation

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Last week I flew to Norfolk, Va. to visit a buddy that plays for the Admirals (Matt Ellison)

I stayed with him in his 4 bedroom condo with Jimmy Vandermeer, James Wisniewski, Matt Keith and Elly. Caught 3 games as well as did all the things they did, went to practice and was lucky enough to skate after with Trent Yawneys little guy and whoever felt like staying on.

They really have fun on that squad. Doesn't hurt that they are winning. But all the same just a bunch of real beautys on that team. They really made me feel like one of the guys in the room and out being 'social' Playing the game is great but its the little things of being a team and ripping each other and enjoying being around one another that makes things so good. It was nice to see it doesnt leave. Once you reach that high level your still a bunch of idiots playing a game.

I took tons of pics, obviously most I wont show as you can figure it out :D . although you would be amazed at how much sushi Mike Brown put away! I have a handful of pics of gear and sticks to show, as well as a vid of the shootout game winner Elly sniped.

I used a 6K and a 130 when I was skating around. From the time I used them I have to say that the 130 shoots the puck very very hard, but even the boys agree that its tough to place your shot with them. Very thin blade, quite strong but again, little feel.

The Rbk had an interesting shaft shape, similar to a XN10. I didnt care for the stick shooting and handling wise.

Anyways enjoy.

Dressing room:


Dressing room:




Elly's gloves he can't use




Home rink:


Matt Keith's custom huge ass tongue on his Vectors:


Vector 115 blade:


Ugh I hate this. Wiz's WJHC ring:


Brownie's Kor's


Wiz and I beating up Yawn's kid:


Elly's custom Synergy's. They were so comfy it was sick:


Sucks to be sponsered by Easton and have this a problem:


Wiz riding his bike home post pracy:


NHL dollar bling in the driveway, minus the Tahoe on 24's:


Life of a pro isn't always glamour:


Elly sniping on Emery


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