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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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college hockey

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The UND defense looked pretty good last night and Parise was in the zone. I didn't get to watch the other game so I can't say, but I would imagine if UND plays like they did last night they will be tough to beat.

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I no what your saying Colorado College had a really bad game defensivly and ofensively. Parise did have a great game yesterday I dont no if Denver can get alo t of chances to score with the North Dakota defense

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Well if they try to go up the middle like the gophers did they will have some trouble. I think if UND gets the early goal I think they will win but Denver has got some scorers so it should be a good game.

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UND was really physical, they need to keep that up. Denver was sniping from everywhere, so they need to take low percentage shots and try to get them through screens. That will be tough with the size of UND's defense, so I think UND will pull it off, although my teams didn't make it through...Maine and Cornell :(

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The only thing UND is riding on is momentum. The team is not stacked with talent like DU. UND is playing very confident and Parise has hit the hottest streak in his career. Likewise, Mannino is playing just as well. DU is quicker and can play a "physical" game of hockey which is why I think DU should win this game. Coincidentally though, DU was in the same position as UND last year, 5th in standings until they just turned on during the NCAA's with a hot goalie in Berkhoel. I think DU Is too much though...I'm calling 4-2 DU...Gauthier with 2

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