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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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If you could buy anything

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I'd buy Bertuzzi, Thornton, and Pronger. Then we'd practice at my house, enter all the same teams as Kovy's team, but just play dirty as hell and break off of his "superstars" kneecaps. Just so I could see the look on his face :) Then I'd be playing D with Pronger, and we'd fill in the rest of the squad with my friends, who would love to watch this massacre.

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I'd buy Bertuzzi, Thornton, and Pronger. Then we'd practice at my house, enter all the same teams as Kovy's team, but just play dirty as hell and break off of his "superstars" kneecaps. Just so I could see the look on his face :) Then I'd be playing D with Pronger, and we'd fill in the rest of the squad with my friends, who would love to watch this massacre.

Hahahahahah, maybe I should bring Kasparaitis,lol :D

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I would buy the biggest oil company that there is. The profit that oil companies make are absolutely mind boggling. Then i'd buy whatever else my little heart desires

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I'd rather own an oil producing country. Those are the people who are making the money, not the oil companies who have to buy the oil at such a high price.

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I'd rather own an oil producing country. Those are the people who are making the money, not the oil companies who have to buy the oil at such a high price.

By oil company i meant oil extraction. Bad wording on my part

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