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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skates hurt my feet!

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I have a pair of Mission RMX '02 or '03 I believe. I wore them for a 13 game roller hockey session almost 2 years ago and they killed my feet back then but I knew I wouldent be playing that much in them, just until I could get back on the ice. Now my little brother is getting interested in hockey so I bust out the RMX's and guess what they still kill my feet. They feel good for about 5 minutes then pain. Mostly its in my arches. I dont know what to do. I have Dr. Scholl's footbeds in them all ready and it did not help. But the arches of both my feet hurt, I can only last about a half hour of not very hard skating before I have to quit. Is there anything I can do to make these good enough to play in so I dont have to spend money just for skates to use in a parking lot? Or do I just have the extremely wrong foot type for these? I wear Vapor X and Easton Comp SE's for ice and am perfect in the Vapors and pretty good in the Eastons. Just the wrong foot for mission?

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it could be the footbed

my nikes used to hurt my arches.they had a plastic piece on the bottom of the footbed, and then they felt better,but i think missions dont have anything an the bottom, still, you could try a different branded footbed to see if they have a smaller arch

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first get them heat molded... that will help a ton and second do you have flat feet? if you do like me you'll have to add some padding in the front and back to even out the boot.. i just get a second sole, cut the middle part and put it under the current sole.

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np happy it helped. if it still feels a little weird try soles with different thickness.. you'll end up with a lot of shoes without soles like me though.. :lol:

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