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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Conversion to DVD

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Hey guys,

We have all downloaded torrents before and I was just wondering if anyone knew the best way to convert them (usually .lol .pdtv or whatever) to dvd? I have tried converting to a mpg and then using Nero to put them on dvd, but it does not seem to work. I just want to be able to take my DVDRW and watch things on my TV rather than on my computer.

Any ideas?

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i used to be a freak at trying to get that stuff to work

i found that Honestech EasyDVD i think it's called works great, you just open it up, choose from dvd, svcd, or vcd, click next, choose you menu, choose the video file then click burn and it auto converts your file to match the settings. It may look pretty crummy but it works, I use nero now though because I figured out how to get VCDs working with it

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Downloading DVDs is hightly illegal Modo22. lol.

LOL :) Thanks, Trust me I know.

I do not distribute anything I download. I consider downloading a show I missed, watching it, then deleting it no different then Tivo or taping it with my VCR.

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