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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Surgery & Hockey (Septoplasty/Turbinectomy/Tonsilectomy)

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Hi guys,

I wanted to throw up a post to see if anyone has had this surgery done and how it improved their game.

I'm now 6 hours post op for the straightening of a heavily deviated septum, reduction of enlarged turbinates and the removal of enlarged tonsils (Septoplasty/Turbinectomy/Tonsilectomy). The reason I went under the knife was that the above mentioned conditions were causing sleep apnea and chronic fatigue. As a fit and healthy 27 year old working out daily and playing hockey 5 nights a week and at a national level, I made the decision to go forward with this procedure as my 'plumbing' was apparently the worst my surgeon had seen in a while. He believes that once I make a full recovery that my quality of living will shoot through the roof and that my hockey game will improve dramatically. This being said, I can imagine increased energy from a great nights sleep, increased stamina due to clear air ways and no more lethargy.

Who out there has been through this surgery and what did you think post op?

How did you recover? What food did you eat? How long until you were back in the gym and on the ice?

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I had septoplasty last January and while it didn't completely solve the 'problem' it helped a lot. My nose is not as congested now and sleeping at night is a lot better.

I was told by the doctor to not exercise for 3 weeks after the surgery. I felt little pain after the surgery. The nose was very swollen and stretched from the packing but it was nothing unbearable. Sleeping required lots of pillows to prob your upper body up so that you don't sleep flat on the bed. As for diet, for the first couple of days it was all soups/liquids. My packing was taken out 1 week after surgery. Taking the packing out did not hurt at all for me although youtube videos show otherwise.

Nasal rinse is a must. I was doing it 3 times a day before surgery and started again 2 weeks post surgery. Rinsing was soothing for me, no pain.

From time to time I still need to use nasal sprays as the turbinates are so damn enlarged due to allergies.

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