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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by shute

  1. does anyone know if a A7 arm would work in an A6 frame?
  2. yep the a6x arms are all gone which is what I need and I haven't been able to get a answer from of the contacts on their site... :( hate to say it but I might have to look at a rigid frame now...
  3. I would if I could but it looks like the sprung website is totally out of stock and has been for almost 4-6 months, I'm afraid that they are just not making them anymore
  4. does anyone have any extra A6x arms for sale?
  5. why was the previous sprung thread locked out?
  6. Oldtimer's latest conversion and what could be one of the most expensive conversions to date!!
  7. Alright guys ANOTHER custom skate (RBK 20k) from Oldtimer, i swear he has so many custom skates he could start his own custom skate topic!
  8. ALright guys another customer skate from my friend Oldtimer I think they are CCM crazylites with a Mission commander frame... notice how the colors match ;)
  9. here is ANOTHER conversion by oldtimer. It's a reebok 11k and bauer 100le
  10. good lord you better now be using that as a goalie... it looks like you can fit a puck between the middle hole
  11. i was wondering what nike shoe size you wear?
  12. here is oldtimers skates that he got me to post for him.... SICK.... and this guy has a million custom skates already! :lol:
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