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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Replacement for Warrior AK27 shaft? (2-piece setup)

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I've been using the Warrior AK27 shafts since the original model came out. My current stash of the most recent version (grip model with gold Warrior lettering) is almost used up. Wondering if anyone can offer input on what to replace these with. Something to fit standard blades and with similar weight, puck feel, shaft dimension, gloss grip coating, etc, but ideally with a bit more pop on snap/wrist shots. My perfect flex is probably right in between Warrior's 85 and 100. Cost is not much of an issue.

FWIW, I use Reebok pro stock blades which are relatively hefty and have a long-ish hosel. I put a tiny wood plug in the butt end to balance it out (and in my mind add a little bit of old skool wood feel).

Warrior Dynasty AX1S comes to mind, but I'm not a huge fan of the velvet grip. BASE interests me, in part because Kovalev switched to their shafts about a year ago.

Thanks in advance for the input!

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