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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/23/13 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    My haul from the Bruins Sale. It was nice meeting the_game. Barkowski 4500 and nameplate (misprint) NBH/Warrior Frankenpads Marchand Laundry Bag Warsofsky Warrior Luxes WC Shell Merlot and White Practice Jerseys Ferrence Bauer Supreme Pants Zanon TotalOnes
  2. 1 point
    Hey all, For anyone interested, here are my thoughts after a few uses as promised: Sizing: 12 US shoe size. 10.5 in Graf. After a bake the sizing is absolutely spot on. Very similar to the Graf's in terms of length. Fit: As is touted by the company owners, the one width fits all seems to be working for me. I'm usually an EE and after a bake the skates have widened enought o be ultra comfortable for me. I thought I'd feel a bit of pain on my left foot as it's slightly wider than my right, but it hasn;t eventuated. I could feel it being slightly pinched even after the bake, but skating on it has proven to be no issue. Heel lock could still be a bit better for me, but hasn't caused me any blisters. I'd also prefer a touch more depth, but the tongue is doing a brilliant job at protecting from lacebite. I think this has a lot do do with the moldability as well as I'm finding I don;t need to lace them partcularly tightly at all on any eyelights other than the top couple. Comfort: Spot on, most comfortable skates I've worn with so little break in time. Build: Top notch thus far. Overall I'm really happy with them. Supreme comfort, great build, ultra-light, and look fantastic. Well done guys!
  3. 1 point
    A colleague of mine has a legit psycho for a wife. She basically harasses him, at work, to the point that it has almost cost him his job. To make it worse, the wife has no job and is a worthless sponge. So I suppose we all have our problems...

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