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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by BenderHockey

  1. On 12/21/2016 at 3:24 PM, JoeyJ0506 said:

    Listening to my manager & owner complain about the quality of work of the other two employees in my department (both 30+ year employees), rave about the work I am doing, yet refusing to pay me equally, or at least offer a raise, until one of the two retires... 


    Have you brought the subject up, and there was refusal to pay you equally?  If so, I'd offer to take my services elsewhere. 

  2. 3 hours ago, OptimusReim said:

    Broken fibula. No surgery. Totally stable. Could be walking (in the cast) in two weeks. 


    That means less time spent immobile, which in turn means shorter PT and overall shorter recovery. And most importantly, less time before im skating again! 


    Few years ago broke tibia and fibula.  Totally sucked, have metal rod in leg from knee down.  Just follow the PT instructions to a T, no matter how bad it sucks. 

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  3. That sucks dude, but I totally understand. I figured it would be my knees that would be in pain all the time. I was wrong, it's definitely the hips.

    It's not due to flexibility issues or soreness, it's because I am have degeneration in the hip joints, and the doc said not to push the issue. Luckily I don't have to give up skating out or refereeing, but the motions and flexibility needed to play goal would just accelerate the degeneration too much to make it worth it to keep playing. I enjoyed it while it lasted.

    If anyone needs anything, let me know. I'd like to be able to recoup SOME of my money.

  4. Awesome job. It's very tough at first, especially when you don't have a team in front of you that can help you out. Sounds you did great, and had an awesome time. Remember to build off of the things you did well, and use the confidence going forward. Conversely, use the mistakes you make as a learning experience and don't let the bad games bring you down.

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