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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by Doozy8

  1. Are you me? I ordered VH's because toe boxes were always an issue with this callus/bone spur on my big toe being wider than my forefoot. The toe box in other skates for my second toe over to the point it's basically 90 degrees at the last joint.


    That's funny Jarret, we had our skates in the factory at the same time being made for pretty much the same reason.

    I do have to say, I skated on them again yesterday and they felt even better than the first time, if that's at all possible.


  2. Jarrett,

    Since our skates were probably on the floor of the factory at the same time, I will share my very similar positive experience as well, since last night was my first game with them.

    Communication: I messaged Rob and emailed my new player skate order in on Nov 11 at 1:35pm EST. I hadn't heard back from him or anyone at VH that day or by 10:30am EST the next morning, so I emailed asking what the typical turnaround time was for acknowledgment of new skate orders. Rob got back to me very quickly and told me that the 11th was Remembrance Day in Canada (as it was Veterans Day here in the US) and that he would be working on and processing my order shortly.

    ​He then sent me the options list and we went back and forth with some customization questions, etc.... After all was finalized, I received my PayPal invoice and paid it immediately on Thursday, Nov 12th. After placing the order, talking to some people and reading more on MSH, I was up in the air about which holders I wanted, so I emailed Rob and requested a change in holders and steel and he said no problem. After more reading and thinking about it, I emailed him back after the weekend and reverted back to my original holder request (LS3 Edge with LS3 Steel). I apologized for the back and forth, but he assured me it was no problem. On Friday the 20th, I received an email from Rob that my skates were shipping that day via FedEx. I then received a tracking email from FedEx confirming that, then I received another later in the day from FedEx that they were picked up and have an expected delivery date to my home on Tuesday 11/24. I checked the FedEx tracking over the weekend and saw they were already at the main hub in NJ and were going to be in route to the local FedEx facility. Impatient and excited me, called FedEx to ask if there was a possibility the skates would be delivered on Monday the 23rd. I was told no. I then asked for a hold to be put on the package so I can pick it up at the FedEx facility near me and they did that. Monday morning, the 23rd, I checked the site and the update was that the package was ready to be picked up and being held. Needless to say 9am I shoot over the FedEx facility 30 minutes away and pick up my skates. Christmas came a month early for me, thanks to my wife for my great early X-Mas gift.

    Preparedness: Once I found out on Friday that the skates would be here Tuesday, knowing I had a game that night, I immediately ordered an additional pair of LS3 Blackedge steel from No-Icing, with my custom 8'/12' radius with my 9/16" FBV and medium forward pitch to try to make them as similar to the Grafs and the natural pitch on those. They would be delivered by Tuesday, in time for my game that night. (OK, I admit, I am neurotic)


    I read the paperwork that was included in the box and I did not try to put them on before baking them. I got a wet towel and set my oven to 180. I did 1 skate at a time and flipped the skate at the 8 minute mark of the 16 minute bake.

    I tightened up the laces about 90% as suggested in the videos, sat down, knee in line with toe for 20 minutes and then repeated the process for skate 2. I did use a wood clamp to make sure heels were molded perfectly so I would be locked in. I pressed around my forefoot while skates were hot and sort of molded around my feet. I used a very thin Easton sock that I would use to skate. Toe toe box felt amazing, which I usually have problems with new skates due to a slight bump on the outside of my big toes. No problems whatsoever and my heels were locked in, no movement at all. I should also mention, I removed the VH footbeds and installed my own Sofsoles

    First Skate:

    I jumped out on the ice, did a few laps around our zone in warmups, felt very very comfortable. I did feel slightly different on my outside edge for some reason, but that may take some getting used to, as I was using Grafs with Graf holders, the pitch slightly different. Overall, my feet felt great, I may have tied a little too tight, but that's something I will have to adjust and get used to, as I am not used to such an aggressive wrap and molded skate. I do feel I have some getting used to on the response and on the edges, but nothing major. I am sure 1-2 times on the ice, will do the trick. I'll be skating for 2 hours Thanksgiving morning, so hopefully that helps. I am still very excited to use them again and can't wait for tomorrow.

    After the game last night, I removed the footbeds and dried my skates with my equipment in my rocket dryer. Rob mentioned that will help prevent rusty rivets.

    So, like Jarret, it's too soon to tell the durability, but from the way I felt inside the skate, I would highly recommend VH for those looking to get into a high end skate that they can have customized to their own foot. I will update with any changes or additional comments as I skate with them more.

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  3. I first messaged Rob on 29-Oct with some questions. Placed my order on 2-Nov and received them the 19th. 2.5 weeks. Our skates were probably on the shop floor together. FWIW I had a busy weekend. 5 games. Two in a row on friday so I took my old one95's just in case. I never even though about switching over to them. I got a small blister but after 5 games and wet skates I'd have at least that with my old skates. They're an absolute dream to skate in

    I baked them and from what I can tell, they feel great from a comfort perspective, I can't wait to skate in a game tomorrow night. I'll also be skating Thanksgiving morning for 2 hours with some buddies, we rented the rink as a Thanksgiving tradition, early morning.

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  4. Great way to start the weekend with an email from Rob from VH....I should have them on Tuesday....Can't wait.

    Hi Darren,

    Your skates are shipping today via Fedex, tracking #xxxxxxxxxxxx
    Before trying them on, please watch the heat molding video at the following link:
    Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
    Thank you for your order.
    Rob Thomson
    Director of Customer Service
    VH Footwear

  5. MC88, In speaking with Rob this week regarding the order of my new VH skates, I was debating between the Clarino and wick liner and when I asked him which was more durable, here was his response (and my apologies if you knew this already)

    "the tan clarino is a more durable line. If you are skating bare foot, normally guys will go with the black sweat wicking liner. If you are a really heavy sweater, I would say go with the black liner. If you don't sweat excessively, than I would go with the tan liner."

    Not sure if this is just for my pair, but I'm getting some liner tearing on both skates and in the same spot:

  6. I can definitely attest to the comfort of these, I've been on them 3 times and no pain in any of my previous areas in other skates. I have noticed some performance increases with these but still to new to really give info. I would recommend going with the LS2 holder and the Step Steel for that reason of getting Step Steel quality, also the edge holder didn't have any relevance for me as I've never broken steel and I live close to my sharpener.

    I didn't include any upgrades such as the added shot blocker or upgraded tongue to the boot when I ordered mine based on info given to me by the person that did my tracings, so far I'm glad I didn't as the boot is right up there in construction with any top of the line retail skate. That brings me to another point, if your somewhat hesitant about spending that kind of money on something you've never seen before you can check VHs website for a fit center near you and go check the skate out first and have your tracings done there if that's another area your unsure about. But definitely read through this thread and take it for what is worth, a lot of great info!!

    Thanks Nicker and Greyskull. I really do appreciate the feedback.

    Unfortunately in the NY area there are no fit centers. I am ok with doing the tracings myself, especially after reading the detailed instructions from MC88 post and the videos and instructions on the VH site. I was going to see if I can get a 3D photo of my feet from a physical therapists office by my house that does 3D Custom Printed insoles for a company called Sols. I don't know if that's something VH would accept, but I figured it's worth an ask.

  7. I looked on MSH and found a 63 page thread on VH Footwear. Admittedly, I didn't read it all, but did read the first few pages and then again the last (newer posts).

    I've recently heard about VH Footwear and started doing some research and I am highly contemplating getting a custom made pair very soon. I've read reviews and watched some videos. I am coming to MSH to see if I can get any real world, unbiased reviews from those that have skated with them or currently skating on them. Also, I believe they will put on the LS2 or Edge holders and steel. Which do you recommend and why?

    Any other info/opinions you want to provide would be greatly appreciated before I make my final decision and pull the trigger on $900 skates.

    I am coming off Graf G35 with an 8'/12' radius with a FBV 9/16" cut from No Icing Sports. I play in 2 different mens leagues at this point of my life, as a 40 year old.

    Thanks guys

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