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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. Thanks to some of the material in this thread, I took a Mission chassis I had lying around and through it on a pair of Reebok 14k using t-nuts. It is amazing how quickly this process is after you have done it on one skate. http://i.imgur.com/f4eAUja.jpg
  2. I didn't realize that one had an ABS blade. My problem with the composite+ABS sticks is that I don't feel like I get my money's worth out of the composite shaft since once the blade goes, the shaft is no longer useful. To be fair to that style of product, with how many Sherwoods/Eastons/Koho Ultimates blade replacements I've broken before they were even half worn, if the CA3 survives through most of it's blade while staying stiff, it could still be worth the extra $40 over a normal replacement. I will keep them in mind when the next blade goes. Thanks for the quick reply!
  3. I really like the look of the inline skates, I will have to give them a try once my current pair of skates get worn out (which doesn't seem to take long since I am usually playing on asphalt). Looks like a lot of thought was put into the skate design. Since your focus is on roller, any research and development going into a better replaceable ABS blade? Seems like everything but the CCM Crossover either has a common break point or has a lot of give with pucks.
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