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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About jptwofive

  • Birthday 10/10/1974

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    Hockey, golf, my wife and kids
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  1. hehatemefrisbee... any goal in the NHL by a Mod'er is sweet. Case closed. I am sure you tell everyone the lone goal of your career was "sweet" too.
  2. That's too bad, I like the sherwood crosby pattern, but I have no idea what the 34 is.
  3. I am sure someone can answer this, but in thr RBK catalog, it says the "crosby" pattern will be available on 9/1/2007. Is this the date that his sherwood contract expires?
  4. Well, that seemed kind of uncalled for... Anyways, back to Warrior, I got my Mac Daddy grips in last night, and used one for the practice. The nipple grip is a crock of sh$t. If there is a warrior stick and pattern you like you are much better saving the $10 or whatever the price difference between grip and non-grip will be. I remember back in the day of wood sticks and aluminum shafts, if a guy wanted to add tackiness to a stick, every minor league team I played for had what we called "the wife beater". It was about a foot worth of wood shaft cut off with black friction tape wrapped aound one end MANY MANY times. Guys who wanted to add some grip to their sticks would simply rub this up and down their shafts until they got the desired effect. ANyone else ever try this? Works great... I will post some pics of the nipple grip if my cam can show it later today...
  5. My guess is that the $8 represents the fixed costs of materials. Machinery, labor and such are all variable costs. The amount of those costs that gets allocated to a stick is dependant upon how many sticks the factory produces in a given time period. Just a thought here, but if any of you junior/HS/youth players are looking for an interesting project for an accounting project or similar, you could always do a study of the OPS market and production costs. Hell, if you did something like that, I bet you could contact a manufacturer or two and get some info from them to assist with the project and be all the wiser for it...
  6. I am due to have two Mac Daddy nipple grips (100 flex, kovalev) in next week sometime. Being an equipment junkie, I will post some close pics and try to provide a review of this nipple grip when I can.
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