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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by notorious#29

  1. Netminder, are you and MissConduct married or something? If I ever have the priveledge of shooting on ya, I think I'm going high-blocker or 5-hole.  :lol:

    Yes... :D

    and bad decision. I'm weak glove side, strong blocker side and 5 hole!

    I think we need JR to organize a ModSquad members game somewhere in Michigan so we call all get together and try it out. Must be a rink somewhere close to his new store... JR?

    Yeah...we can get a few people...let's get a head count...

    You could count me in. :D

  2. Here is a pic of my TPS HGT Pro's. I use em for High School hockey.


    *Note* The green is actually tape i put on for fun to see what it looks like. The gloves are all black with white lettering really.

    Thats pretty cool. I used to do the same thing a while back. Whenever I'd get on a different team, I just retape them to the team colors. He he.


  3. KC83, whered you get those eagle pants....Ive been looking for them.....

    I also asked him that in an older thread. This is what he said:

    My LHS did a team order for some team, and that team never picked it up, so i got those eagle pants for really cheap and it was the last couple of pairs that they had at the store.

  4. Took a while to get on board with this topic...had to find some pics.  The massive stick collection was at it's worst in the below pic and has since been trimmed down since this picture.  None for sale at this time (so don't ask!  :P )


    Skates (new on top, old on bottom)

    The Hullie collection

    Wall of Shame

    Holy Shit shorthanded.. excuse my language but its needed for this post! :o

    That wall of shame is AMAZING ! WOW ! Im in shock :o

    He even keeps them organized. Its Beautiful...................................

  5. I need to get grip of my stick within an hour. I have a 2004 Synergy Int. Grip, and I hate the grip on it. I tried gas, paint thinner to take it off with no success. Can you guys give me a quick fix, fast?!

    Or you could just use it for about 3 games, Im sure it will flake off by then..........

  6. what curve is like a sakic?

    easton ,makes sakic and i love the newer sticks that are comeing out, they just dont have my curve.

    Easton is making the Sakic for their new line of sticks

    The clones are:

    Rafalski, P92 Naslund, CCM Bonk, TPS Nash, and there may be others in other brands, but I cannot think of them right now

    thanks, now i might go buy a vector or another brands curve. who makes rafalski and who makes naslund?

    Mission makes the Rafalski, I think Bauer makes the Naslund.

    EDIT: diddnt see Sticks Of Fury's post.

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