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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Arkainium

  1. They were marketed as upgrades when they were introduced at least. Abandoning them seems to indicate that they either failed or were cutting into margins.
  2. Feels like a downgrade compared to the 2s pro. Losing speed plates, injected eyelets, customizable tendon guard & tongue stiffness to get a semi-one-piece boot, new toe cap, and profiled steel out of the box? If you couldn't skate in a supreme before because of volume issues then the introduction of fit sizing is nice. But if you've always worn supremes it feels like you're getting more skate for your money by getting the 2s pro especially now that it's discounted.
  3. I’ve felt the opposite actually. Not sure of the mechanics of it but could it be that my local sharpeners are not doing a good job of dressing the ring every time?
  4. Sorry if I’m hijacking this thread but along similar lines I’ve seen skates sold on eBay that have a pandahockey.com sticker on the box. I wonder how these skates make it to the states and whether they’re authentic or knockoffs. They have a retail site but there doesn’t appear to be much information about them on the internet. Anyone know?
  5. How’s this? left: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwSiofaCU6fOVzBTZC1pTk1BQ29ZRUlPaVkycWM5TnBFd25Z/view https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwSiofaCU6fOdy1SQkhXNlNPU3JzREpBS29xbE1ESkxiS0Vv/view right: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwSiofaCU6fON0NBZ21GNWpVanZZdWlCcVBLZ1MyS19TYVdV/view https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwSiofaCU6fOSG41WWd5X1dQcm9FbElBZUdWLXR6NFd5RVEw/view Thanks for helping out with this. It’s much appreciated.
  6. Back of skate I get but what do you mean by heel of boot to middle of holder?
  7. LHS does not have any tools for this unfortunately. Any angle that would help for doing this visually? Here’s an overhead view: left https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwSiofaCU6fOMDRqM3RnaXBCVWtHcE01clVIVEhkeGt0aUpv/view right https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwSiofaCU6fOa2cwTUY5MU0wTTM4LWhuclhHUDJlYUZINTZB/view The left boot happens to be the one that had the slightly curved runner. Also these are from the MX3 line: supreme 190. Size 7 though, so 263 holder. Got them “new” from eBay to avoid the new injected eyelets without going custom.
  8. Getting some interesting ideas here. I can use my body weight with the skates on my feet but I’m really worried about forcing the steel into the holder if they aren’t perfectly straight. Don’t want to risk bending the steel. Maybe I’m just being paranoid because the stock LS3 is slightly curved. Going back and looking at older posts it sounds like it’s not that uncommon for the steel to come from the factory. Any thoughts about the heel of the skate? Shouldn’t the holder be flush with the boot in the back and front?
  9. Is it possible to tell if a holder is mounted properly by looking at a picture of it? https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwSiofaCU6fOaTZOTVp5cUszdDZfcmtHNTRpcDJhYWhyeE1v/view The problem I'm having is that I'm struggling to swap the runners with Step Blacksteel. Maybe it's the coating on the blacksteel that makes the slot in the holder a really tight fit? The thing is, the stock LS3 steel does have a slight curve to it so I'm hoping that's not due to the alignment of the holder which might explain why sticking the straight blacksteel into it could be difficult. I also see more space in the heel than I'm used to seeing. Is that normal? https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwSiofaCU6fObUN3cG9nOUQ4bXZ3VXJFc08xUUVNWmRQdTBr/view When I took them to my LHS they thought I was crazy when I asked if they had a tool that could measure and/or correct the straightness of a runner. Thanks in advance.
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