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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. At first i want to say hello to everyone, i just joined yesterday so im new in here :) But anyways to my "gear", its not great, actually it could not get any worse than this Happy about the sticks tho, im glad that they are still in a good shape. Helmet: Bauer HH3000 Skates: Bauer Impact 500 (These skates sucks, theres not much that i can add on that. I had pair of Bauer Supreme 5000 but sold them so these are only skates i got right now) Sticks: Montreal 9944 Magnum XX-stiff and Exel Matrix 6001 stiff 120 with Shanahan blade from Easton According to my dad who was a equipment manager for my hometown team, Exel gave first 3 shaft that the factory made, for the team so they could get some results from a player how the shafts act on real game situation. One thing that still feels pretty weird is that Exel told the team to paint the shafts black, well my dad only painted 2 and left the one i got now just lie in the storage room. I know that there were only 3 of these on the team and two were painted black, but i cant say that everything else is true. It could be, conserning the fact that the Exel factory is just 70 kilometers from my hometown. Today Exel is only making composite profiles and tubes for various industrial applications. But still, i think its pretty unique to have one of those today Gloves: CCM HG120 So heres my gear, sorry about the shaft story but i thought to share it with you guys :) Oh, and if there is mispells or anything, please forgive me, im from Finland
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