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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About oranged44

  • Birthday 09/15/1988


  • Skates
    Bauer Supreme one100
  • Shin Pads
    CCM Vector V06
  • Elbow Pads
    Easton S3
  • Shoulder Pads
    Easton S17
  • Pants
    Bauer Supremes
  • Helmet
    Reebok 6k w/ RBE III black/white cage
  • Gloves
    Warrior Pro Series 2010, maroon
  • Stick
    Easton S17; Sakic curve

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  1. First time posting on this topic! Helmet: Reebok 6K helmet (old Reebok logo) with Bauer RBE III black/white cage. Had the helmet for 3 years now.. very comfy, seems to absorb impact well. On the cage, I like the black/white contrast a lot. I was using silver before this and prior to that I believe an Itech visor/cage combo. It fogged up way too much so I switched to full cage. Definitely prefer the black/white over the silver though I was skeptical before trying. Mouthguard: Custom Gladiator mouthguard LOVE this mouthguard!!! Fits perfect, I usually end up leaving it in my mouth without noticing! Tried most Shockdoctors, even the bottom sitting one, and the TapOut mouthguard before getting the custom. They don't come close to the comfort and protection. I got hit hard in the jaw which made my jaw snap back and I felt the mouthguard take the impact; crazy! Shoulders: Easton S17 - no complaints Elbows: Easton S3 - super basic, but work! Gloves: Warrior Pro Series, maroon Just switched to these gloves from the Easton S6. I loved my Easton S6s. Classic looking, black. Broke in very quickly and very comfortable, great mobility. Top hand glove eventually ripped in the palm and fingers after 3 years. Picked up the Warrior Pro Series. Really, really liked the narrower fit in the Warriors. I didn't realize how wide the S6s were until I had both gloves on. Very happy with the fit of the Warriors, just wish the cuff was a bit more flexible like the Easton. Felt great playing in! Pants: Nike Bauer Supreme 30s Had these for 3 years now. Probably my next upgrade. Could use a bit more padding around the butt lol not sure if that is from being worn down or because it's a low model. Shins: CCM Vector 06 Like these a lot! They seem to be a thicker fit than the Eastons and Bauers I was looking at. I block a lot of shots so the bigger shin pads I was looking for. Also helps bulk up my leg lol - I haven't felt any shots with them, stay in place well with the strap system, do the job. Socks: RBK socks - big fan Skates: Bauer Supreme one100s Really happy with the performance of the Bauer one100s. I was skating in the Easton 1500s with tuuks put on them prior. The skates were bigger than what they needed to be, lot of heel slippage which I can't blame on the skate itself. Changed over to the Bauers since I was a big fan of the tuuks, little easier without having to install them. Considered getting the S17s but they didn't have my exact size. Happy with the Supremes! Very responsive on the ice, fits my foot perfect, comfortable, heel is LOCKED, the power steel is nice, light skates. Very happy with them. Sticks: S17 grip - Sakic curve Like the boxier feel of the stick, coming from the Easton Synergy SE. Love the lightness of the stick. Probably the biggest draw to a stick for me.
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