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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by boconnor811

  1. boconnor811

    Bauer Vapor X:60

    Bauer Vapor X:60 Grip Flex: 102 Curve: P88 Kane Height: 6'0" Weight: 210 Postition: Defense Time-frame of use: Mid November - present Aesthetics: Visually I prefer the non-grip version with less white accents, but aesthetics were not the main driving factor of the purchase, finding the stick that met the specs I was looking for was. However, I still like the look and find the graphics to be less obtrusive than offerings from some other brands, a pretty clean design overall. 8/10 Weight and Balance: In terms of overall weight the stick is noticeably very light when handled. Sticks are getting to be so light that the fact that one is 25 grams lighter than another is not a huge factor in my decision making when selecting a stick. The balance of the stick seemed a bit light in the blade after using vapor x:40's and some short lived experimentation with a warrior dolomite, and One95. I chalked this up to just a slight difference in balance, and it was minor enough to where the stick still felt natural. After some use I've actually grown to like the balance of the stick, in comparison to those I've used previously. 9/10 Blade: I'd have to agree with the other reviews in that the blade is on the lively side. It was a quick adjustment for me to get used to, but depending on what stick was used before the x:60 it could seem extremely different. Overall feel is not the best of any stick I've used, but I think this could be related to factors to be discussed in the next two sections. 7/10 Shaft/Flex: I like both the rounded shaft shape and the grip used on the x:60, and both were actually a requirement as I set out to find a model to replace the x:40's I felt I was breaking too frequently. Like one of the other reviews I found the x:60 to seem quite a bit stiffer than the lower end vapor x:40 model of the same flex. I think this increase in stiffness from what I am used to, adversely affected the blade feel and ability to receive passes with the stick. 7.5/10 Stickhandling and Passing: Being a stay at home defenseman, perhaps my stickhandling abilities are not at the level of the real danglers on the site. With that said, I don't find any of the factors with the blade or stiffer shaft to hinder my stickhandling or ability to make passes with the x:60. Pass reception on the other hand requires special care and a conscious effort to exaggerate the cradling motion required to keep the puck under control. 8/10 Shooting: Great shooting stick! With the slightly stiffer feel slapshots shine. For wristshots and snapshots I'd likely prefer a slightly softer flex, however, I fear the drop down to an 87 flex would be too much. Not having used an 87 it is difficult to say, but given my style of play given the trade-offs I’d likely stay with my original choice of the stiffer flex. 9/10 Durability: So far so good. I haven’t noticed the stick getting any softer or whippier as I have with lower vapors and some other models. Grip and graphics seem to be holding up well too. 10/10 Conclusion: A wonderful shooting stick, that lacks a bit in the blade feel department. For me it’s a toss up between the x:60 and one95, but prefer the lower kickpoint of the vapor, so if I were to break both I think another x:60 would be the replacement. 8.5/10
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