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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Sven

  1. well u can, i got this piece of paper in it and i read it on the internet several times ;) "When you say that you skate better, do you mean that you feel more balanced on your skates?" -> yeah, what can i do ? (whats 'bandaid solution')
  2. mh i can skate better when its really good laced up. im still not sure if i should bake em or not :< (glad that i made u laugh ;))
  3. No, i feel very comfortable when i put the skate on. when i laced em up, it kinda squeezes the foot together and it after some rounds it hurts here :( maybe i can 'skate and bake' em in a oven and it will be better, cause when its warm the material expands and my feet are in the perfect position =) thx in advance
  4. Hi. I just got new skates (Mission Fly w/ Leather) and i went to the rink. They actually fit very good, but after 10 mins its starting to hurt on the outer side of the feet. Will this go away when i wear the skates more often [like 1 month] or are the skates to narrow (which i dont think is the point)? Thanks ;)
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