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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by Sven

  1. Nice vid!

    What type of synthetic ice is that?

    I got another way for "synthetic ice". Its great to stickhandle and shoot on.

    Just in case someone cares, just take the plastic from the boards in a rink (sometimes they are broken and get replaced, as we all know). Ask the rink manager or the rink-janitor-guy if he has the broken plastic sheets and take them home.

    I gotta say that here in some rinks is no (safety-)glass on the boards, just plastic, so if you got such an rink in your area, its worth a shot.

  2. P.S.:

    Dont wanna rain your parade, but i thought XXX fit like XXXX, so why do those fit and XXX do not?

    I had the same problem, just with the Supreme series. The One90 didn't fit my foot, but the Supreme 70 fit just fine. I kinda regret getting them, though. The Vapor XXXX's felt soooo much better when I tried them on last weekend :(

    As far as i remember, you were an 8090 fanboy, right? So that would work out cause the One90 did not fit, but the Supreme 70 did.

    Anyways, the XXXX were (kinda) OK for you?

    Never wore Bauers before my 70's. This is my first experience with NBH. The XXXX felt very very very nice. I kinda regret getting the Supremes now.

    Ebay them. Or put them in the sell forum here.

  3. P.S.:

    Dont wanna rain your parade, but i thought XXX fit like XXXX, so why do those fit and XXX do not?

    I had the same problem, just with the Supreme series. The One90 didn't fit my foot, but the Supreme 70 fit just fine. I kinda regret getting them, though. The Vapor XXXX's felt soooo much better when I tried them on last weekend :(

    As far as i remember, you were an 8090 fanboy, right? So that would work out cause the One90 did not fit, but the Supreme 70 did.

    Anyways, the XXXX were (kinda) OK for you?

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