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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by jbss71

  1. Did you buy used customs and you want to find out what's different? Not entirely sure. There's something written on the inside bottom of my skates. I'll have to check next time I head out to the garage.

    they are mine, the sole numbers is size, width, heel. They say 'T11' witch i don't know what that is. Maybe toe box size or tongue style. I know there has to be a built sheet under my bauer ID . Its weather or not I can have it.

  2. I recently have been measured and was looking into getting the X 7.0... I was told bauer will not customize that skate... only the apex, total one, and the flexlite 4.0 pro... i skate the flexlite 4.0 now... just want more protection and a custom fit.

    yes, they only do their top line stuff. i THINK if you spec'ed out your skates correctly you can get x7.0s dressed like a APX..

    hell i ordered my APXs with a 52oz tongue, and flexlite toe box.

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