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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. My thoughts go out to him, chadd. Just had a terrible practice with a highschool summer league team this morning. Honestly, an awful experience. The coaches don't know hockey well enough to be coaching well above the squirt level, IMO and that of many teammates and parents. While many players on this team have egos well above their actual skill level. However, the coaches deal with problems of players' poor attitudes (not skating hard, ignoring the coaches, whining when they get knocked down)by wasting practice time by yelling and dropping F-bombs and skating five ladders (which is a bit overkill in my opinion). I am all for coaches enforcing discipline if need be. But to yell at players and drop F-bombs for poor attitude or whatever, is completely contradictory to enforcing good attitude. As I said before, these coaches have a VERY limited amount of hockey knowledge that it is surprising that they even have the required coaching level for high school hockey. The drills they run over the course of a 1 hour practice would be better targeted at a squirt team. A perfect example of this horrendous coaching was while we were skating the second or so of many ladders. Of course, after almost completing a second consecutive ladder, most players (myself included) were pretty winded and had burning legs. So this is why most of us (most indicating a couple players had no idea what they were doing) were trying just to keep our knees bent and feet moving with long strides. It was at this time, we had to skate more because one coach (who could barely skate, was using the rental skates from the rink, and is one of the baseball coaches) thought that we were just being lazy and were supposed to be going as fast as we had started. Correct me if I'm wrong, but, towards the end of a ladder or two, players should be expected to be working our hardest but it is unrealistic to expect us to be skating as if we had plenty of time to rest. End rant.
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