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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Wilmoth90

  1. A couple years ago, several pages back in this thread, I posted my first conversion, a pair of Easton S15's on a Mission Vanguard hi-lo chassis. This is my latest pair, Easton S17's on an Alkali Magnesium chassis with Labeda Addictions. I'll be breaking these in at State Wars next week.
  2. Hey, i'm writing in reference to your post where you mentioned wanting to get a set of older mission 72/80 hi-lo chassis in medium.

    I have a pair of 72/80 mission violators, size medium from an old pair of Protos in great shape, no dents and not too many scuffs.

    If you're interested, I'll set up an ebay buy it now listing and send you the link. Does $20 pl...

  3. I just started playing roller hockey again this year after about a five year break. I found this forum and this specific thread when I began looking into getting a new ice boot and inline chassis. I didn't realize conversions had become so popular. Had the chassis mounted and got them baked on Sunday, figured I'd post up the end result here since this thread really got me excited and pushed me to get some new skates. Boot is a size 8.5 Easton Stealth S15 with Mission Vanguard Chassis. These skates are unbelievably light.
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