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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About kukakid

  • Birthday 04/02/1987

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    Roller Hockey, Disc Golf, Computers, Engineering, Music, and any and all Video Games.
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    Cincinnati, OH/Columbus, OH

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  1. kukakid

    Mission Intake

    Product: Mission Intake Small Helmet FIT: 9/10 The fit on the Intake is great overall. It did take a little getting used to though after coming from a medium Bauer 5000. The Intake is very comfortable but it seemed to sit a little higher on my head that the 5000 did. It is by far the most comfortable helmet I have ever used though. PROTECTION: 10/10 I have only taken two big hits so far in this helmet but it seems to protect just as well as any other dual-density helmet. It does fit fairly snug as well and doesn't move around very much which definately make it feel more protective and secure. The Intake also seems very well constructed, no poorly attached parts shaking around or coming loose. WEIGHT: 10/10 The Intake is definately the lightest helmet I have used. I never really paid much attention to helmet weight but it is great to have a helmet that is light-weight but that still feels very study. DURABILITY: 10/10 I have only used the helmet for about a month and a half now but so far it is holding up fine. The foam protection still intact and there doesn't seem to be any breakdown what-so-ever of the comfort pads thus far. INTANGIBLES: 9/10 I personally love the look of the helmet and think that the way it sits on the head is superior to many of the other designs I have tried. The helmet also does seem slightly cooler than other helmets due to the airflow built into the design. CONCLUSION: 10/10 While it took some getting used to the Mission Intake is one of the best performing helmets I have used or seen. The fit and aesthetics along with the low weight and durability make it the perfect package for anyone looking for a comfortable and protective helmet.
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