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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About natbat

  • Birthday 01/26/1977


  • Skates
    Bauer Supreme NXG 7.5EE LS2 steel
  • Hockey Bag
    Easton Synergy 1100
  • Shin Pads
    CCM Crazy lites
  • Elbow Pads
    CCM Crazy lites
  • Shoulder Pads
    CCM Crazy lites
  • Pants
    Bauer Vapor APX
  • Helmet
    Easton E 700
  • Gloves
    Easton 4 Roll Elite Pro
  • Stick
    Easton Mako M5 ( P4 85 flex)

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  • Interests
    Playing and coaching hockey.
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  1. I understand he does not make the shoe last. My Doctor charges 350.00 for a mold. It would be easier and cheaper just to find a good Skate fitter when ordering customs.
  2. My understanding from his tech is that they cast my foot and then pour a liquid into the casting. The liquid sets and then I have an exact mold. I am not sure what kind of liquid or the cost. All I know is that if you cannot find a good skate fitter, the custom process could be a disaster (that is why he recommended the molds). I am happy with my one80's so for me, its just conversation at this point. I did find out that one of my feet is larger then the other and that is why I have issues with my left foot.
  3. Great video. I seen the foot molds my doctor was talking about in the video. He said if I ever wanted custom skates he could make both the right and left mold to give to a skate fitter. I have a question. When you purchase custom skates from Bauer, do they keep all your foot information? Thanks!
  4. That's good to know. I contacted B&R sports here in MI. I was going to get customs before my 8090's broke and I was forced to purchase skates asap.
  5. Doesn't a Bauer rep do it? That's what I was told in the states.
  6. Yep, I have exactly the same problem...every time I take of my skates, the pain is awful. I found with my CCM U 10's my feet feel much better. The skates fit me better then my 8090's. I also have a low arch and have added a Dr approved orthotic insert.. Now that I have aligned my foot with the boot, I should not have to shim my holders later...only time will tell. It just sucks taking off a set of brand new E pro holders with steel and paying for new LS2 holders and steel....Great combo! The boot and holders feel great together.
  7. Start with a foot doctor. I had issues many years before a coach saw my skating issues and told me to see a foot doctor.... orthotics with a custom set of skates took care of me. My 8090's have been baked 2 times and I have bake-able orthodics in them. I currently have a Pair of CCM U 10's that are being worked on. Super feet are a quick fix for low arch...was for me anyways. The Graf bake-able insoles work great as well. I had a pair of skates that we attempted to realign the blade under the foot and it did not work. Was worth a shot. If you pronate, you do not transfer all your power/strength to the ice. I currently started helping coach mites, my job is to watch the kids skate and make suggestions to the parents. If they skate this way to long they will develop bad habits that are hard to correct. I wanted to add, when you have these kind of problems with your feet,be careful where you purchase your skates. $1,000 skates will not fix your issues. I had a kid that the skate boot was punched out, orthotics were added to the skate, and the blade holders had to be shimmed. I feel sorry for the kid because he will never be able to buy a pair of skates without a few hundred extra bucks. A local store told him $800.00 Vapors would fix his problem....the kid was 8 years old. Luckily, in Metro-Detroit there is a foot doctor that specializes in skate orthotics.
  8. This is great news for me. I have always had skate fitting issues after Bauer changed from leather to synthetic. Just called my LHS, and I cannot believe the service you get for extra 100 bucks. I have always need orthotics in my skates , but could never fit them. When I called they told me to bring them in and the rep would take good care of me. I guess they can only customize a Total one or the top of the line Vapor.....thats ok, my 8090's are nice, but don't fit right.
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