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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

Joonas #6

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Posts posted by Joonas #6

  1. Do you have heart set on the AX1? Because the ax line is meant to be a "classic" fit line so it won't be nearly as narrow as some other products like the bauer apex or easton RS. However an Int 15" will be a lower volume pad compared to a 15" SR. Also I wouldn't pay too much attention to a shop comparing sizes of pads across brands, just follow the sizing chart of warrior. And at your height of 5"9,a 15" pad is the size to go for and 14" would be a mistake. My two cents anyways, hope it helps.

    Well, to be honest I have never had Warrior protective gear (except for pants and gloves) before so I asked online for kinda narrow/slim pads and some people kept recommending AX1's. That was before they had come out, so I don't know how they knew they're gonna be the pads I'm looking for.

    I have always loved Warrior so I kinda wanted to make a change and try Warrior pads. Thanks a lot for your help. Really appreciate it. I guess I'll keep looking a little more before actually buying these..

  2. How old are you? because if you're still growing, it would be best to go with the INT 15 in my opinion. Also, iv checked out the ax2 shins, they look like awesome pads with a great liner and good protection. Im going for the ax1 elbows asap to replace my 7k pros.

    I'm 25 so I'm not growing that much anymore. Haha. I really want to get as narrow pads as possible. Do you think there's much difference between SR and INT pads?

    Also, I contacted some of our online shops asking about the size difference between CCM's 14" and Warrior's INT 14" and I was told that INT 14" is about 0.5 - 1cm longer than CCM's 14". Is this even possible? Because if it is, then Warrior's own measurements are way off and their 15" pads would be way too big for me.

  3. I don't want to start a new thread yet, so I'll see if I can get an answer here.

    So...I really want to order Dynasty AX1 shins, but I'm not sure which size is good. We don't have Warrior products in my city so I haven't seen them in person and I can't try them on. My current shins are old CCM V06's size 14". Now that Warrior has those protective gear in INT sizes as well, I'm not 100% sure which one is the right size.

    So does anyone have those new Warrior shins? I'm 5'9". Do you think INT 14" is too small or should I go with INT 15"? According to Warrior's own measurements INT 14" is good for 5'4" - 5'7" players and INT 15" is for 5'7" - 5'10". So INT 15" looks like it's the right size, but I'm still worried that it's going to be too big.

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