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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. CCM Vector 10. (Original not the catapult) Lecavalier 100 Flex. For some reason, I could do things with that stick that I havent been able to replicate. Maybe im just getting worse.
  2. Hey thanks for this info. The equipment manager of the team I was reffing for is taking off the shift holders and replacing them with lightspeed triggers. It will make it more manageable should I have skate issues, like i did yesterday. The team skates on LS steel and holders and we had huge issues with my skates during the game yesterday and no step steel to work with. Thanks again for the info!
  3. Has anyone else had issues with the new Step Steel Black blades cracking. I have had two blades crack in the same exact spot right under the blue trigger of the new shift holder. I officiate at a high level, but would expect this steel to be strong enough to maintain its structural integrity. I also ripped through the top eyelet half way through the season. Not sure if a skate sliced it or not. The comfort of the true skate is amazing, however I might just be going back to CCM, based on the inability for Trues to last me a full season.
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