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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Kessel'sOversizedSuit

  1. I agree. Most people are going to buy for the skate. But why cut out the rest of the potential market in order to see a (marginal?) boost in runner sales? I'm inclined to believe that Step will be making replacement blades for the new holders. I don't know, but I can't believe for a second that the current bauer, easton, graf or RBK holders/runners aren't covered by patents. There's a reason they're all different. And yet Step has managed to provide replacements for all of them. Why would we assume it'll be any different for the new one? my guess is, it wont. but I admit its just a hunch.
  2. Wouldn't Bauer be more concerned with selling the skate and ensuring that no other (skate) company can copy its holder/runner interface design? Having recently "converted" to Step steel, I can say that this will be my go to runner without question. If Bauer makes it so I can't use a step steel runner, I'd be less inclined to by a bauer skate if the competition did provide me with that flexibility. I'm sure I'm not alone here. Of course, I wouldn't put the heavy handed/short sighted approach past any of these companies...
  3. I just came back from my first session after switching out the stock steel on my One70s to Step Speed. I have had my skates sharpened a fair bit and the original steel was getting quite low, and as was pointed out by the guy at the shop, the profile was very badly managed (I tend to just get them sharpened wherever). So, I needed new runners anyway and was not specifically looking for Step, but the place I was at step is what they had. No problem says I, throw em on. Granted, the stock steel on my One70s was the lower grade "tuuk super stainless" or whatever, but I wasn't really expecting to notice a difference, I mean steel is steel right? But holy cow, did I ever notice a difference. Maybe this is all in my head, but they just felt... smoother, somehow. Way better glide. The turning felt more solid as well. Just a first skate, but man, I will be recommending these as replacement steel to anyone who asks. very happy customer right here.
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